We've been planning the addition of the goats for a while, in fact, we bought their "house", which is a used calf hutch, back in mid-February.
After researching whether to build or buy a house for the goats, we settled on trying to find a calf hutch.
The problem, though, is that we don't exactly live in "cow country". A new hutch runs $250 plus, plus significant shipping from the Midwest.
Then, the magic of Craigslist saved us. We found a used calf hutch up in Foster, RI for only $100. It's a little dinged up, but for that price, we jumped on it.
This was back in mid-February, but thankfully we got a relatively mild day. Instead of big bucks for shipping, it was a nice truck ride into the country.
I did end up buying lunch on the way home, so I guess shipping wasn't FREE, but it was far nicer than paying big dollars for long-distance shipping.